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Farm Studios
London End, Earls Barton, Northampton, NN6 0EZ
United Kingdom

07879 447744

Charles Ward Photography is one of the most versatile and innovative photographic studios in Northamptonshire. As a commercial photographer for over 30 years, Charles and his team been fortunate enough to work with a whole range of clients, from leading blue chip brands to small and medium-sized local companies in all kinds of sectors to private individuals. And we’d like to work with you.


Raw Image Course

Now that you have learnt about your camera, it is time to make the switch from JPGs to Raw. Sounds confusing?… don’t worry. Think of it rather like baking a cake - with all the correct ingredients and time in the over, your cake will look and taste great. However, if you use some of the wrong ingredients or over cook it, then things can go wrong. Think of the cake as a JPG image - when perfectly exposed, the image will look good, but if you over/under expose, use the incorrect shutter speed or ISO, then the image will look poor. You might be able to salvage something in Photoshop, but you will be very limited.

Now imagine using the Raw settings to ‘bake the cake’ It is always preferable to use the correct settings in photography, but most images need some kind of processing. You won’t be able to correct image blur* (wrong shutter speed), but you can certainly adjust exposure, colour balance, sharpening and noise (high ISO) by adjusting the Raw image. * Actually, AI is now starting to correct this too!

All of this will become apparent as we look at the same image taken using JPG and Raw settings on your camera. Then you can see how easy it is to make the adjustments yourself. If you would like to make the switch to Raw, we will introduce you to come image processing software that you might like to use.

£45 per hour 1:1 (min 4 hours) Discounts available for students and over 60s