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Farm Studios
London End, Earls Barton, Northampton, NN6 0EZ
United Kingdom

07879 447744

Charles Ward Photography is one of the most versatile and innovative photographic studios in Northamptonshire. As a commercial photographer for over 30 years, Charles and his team been fortunate enough to work with a whole range of clients, from leading blue chip brands to small and medium-sized local companies in all kinds of sectors to private individuals. And we’d like to work with you.


Portrait Course

I have deliberately left the portrait module until last, as I firmly believe that good quality portrait photography takes a great deal of skill and expertise to learn. Having photographed people from Elon Musk to Lady Thatcher (I will tell you all about these encounters during. coffee break), I can tell you that the camera is almost the last thing you should pick up when taking a portrait. Everyone is different and we all have a view of how we should be seen. Perhaps, we have a ‘best side’… should we smile, what clothes should we wear? Whenever I look top take a photograph of someone, I usually just spend time taking with them and making sure they are fully relaxed. I will tell them what to expect and, if they are inexperienced in front of a camera, I will physically show them the best way to pose. Only then, will I pick up my camera and start to take the pictures.

The inexperienced photographer, will often hold the camera in front of their own face for far too long, thus causing. barrier between them and the subject. This can cause the model to lose confidence (often seen in the mouth), so I will train you how to overcome this and take beautiful and natural photographs that will delight your subjects. This won’t happen quickly, but stick with the training and you will learn one of the most rewarding photography skills.

£45 per hour 1:1 (min 4 hours) Discounts available for students and over 60s